Mixed Pairs Result

pairsAn interesting group of players arrived. Some clearly semi professional and well prepared teams but some who had turned up without a partner and hoped for the best. Paul & Phil were without as were several loose women but teams were hastily cobbled together and we ended up with 8 pairs and 1 triple. This meant one team each round had a bye (which they won 13-7) and proved to be very popular because of the weather. They could sit inside.

What weather? We started in the dry but rain soon set in and waterproofs were in great demand.

2 hours later as we were finishing the 3rd round the sun came out and shorts andT shirts were the order of the day.

Only one team had won all their games. Sandie & Paul won first prize. Second and their first podium ever was T’s @ 6, a team made up of Fred and Elisabeth. 3rd place were Kinder Eggs and there was an exciting 4 ball playoff between Roy/Rita and Roger/Jane which led to Roy/Rita walking off with 30 bob. Nice event. There’s more entry fee & cash prizes coming up. Next one is Longest Day melee. 4 rounds on Tuesday 21st June starting at 1300.




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