Club Singles title up for grabs.

single-300x222This Sunday 14th August is the club singles competition. You’re on your own in a 3 round competition and the best 2 players will meet in the final to win a trophy to take away and keep.

To even out the experience and skill levels of the players some players will have a start. Novices and new members will almost all start on +7 so when they begin any game they will start on 7 points. Starts (or handicaps) are always applied at the beginning of a game so a game could be 7-3 before a boule is thrown.

Better more experienced players will start from scratch (0) so it’s possible for a less experienced player to beat a more experienced one. Don’t forget that each game only has 6 boules in it so it will be quick and sometimes brutal. If you shoot twice and miss you only have one boule left to rescue that end. There will be upsets. Here’s the list.

start start
Aidan 7 Kevin 2
Ailsa 7 Maggie B 7
Alasdair 4 Maggie P 4
Amanda 3 Malcolm 3
Andy 7 Margaret 7
Anne 6 Marie 0
Barrie 4 Martin 5
Becky 7 Martin G 4
Brendan 0 Martin L 3
Brian 3 Melvyn 3
Christine A 4 Michael K 4
Christine K 4 Michael 7
Daniel 0 Mick 4
David 7 Pat 3
David M 0 Paul 0
David W 4 Pauline 3
Dianne 6 Polly 5
Edwina 7 Phil 4
Elaine 6 Reg 4
Elizabeth 4 Richard 6
Frank 7 Rita S 3
Fred 5 Rita W 3
Geertje 4 Robin 0
Hazel 4 Roger 0
Jack 4 Roy 0
Jackie 7 Sandie 4
Jane 3 Sandra B 2
Jane 4 Sandra L 5
Janet 4 Steven 6
Jeannet 7 Sue 3
Jennifer 7 Ted 0
John 6 Tim 5
Julie L 4 Yvonne 2
Julie W 5

There will still be room for casual play after this event.

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